International Society of Geriatric Oncology


19th Conference of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology

presented by International Society of Geriatric Oncology

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Notification icon Thursday, November 14, 2019 7 PM - Saturday, November 16, 2019 6:30 PM Europe/Zurich

Location Icon CICG - International Conference Centre Geneva, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1202 Geneva

Event info

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SIOG is a multidisciplinary society, including physicians in the fields of oncology and geriatrics, and allied health professionals and has over 1700 members in more than 80 countries around the world.
As the major risk factor for cancer is age, and with the aging of the world population, a major epidemiologic challenge is before us.
The goal of SIOG is to strengthen the development of the health workforce in the field of geriatric oncology, in order to optimize the treatment of older adults with cancer.

SIOG promotes efforts in 3 strategic directions:


  • Disseminate knowledge in order to maintain a high common standard of healthcare in older cancer patients
  • Integrate geriatric oncology in the curricula for medical and nursing education to ensure a high standard of qualification for healthcare professionals
  • Address the shortage of specialist oncologists/geriatricians & allied health staff in geriatric oncology
  • Increase public awareness of the elderly cancer epidemic worldwide

Clinical Practice

  • Integrate geriatric evaluation (including comorbidities) into oncology decision-making and guidelines
  • Improve the quality of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of older patients with malignancies
  • Address issues of access to care, including the needs of the caregiver
  • Develop interdisciplinary geriatric oncology clinics


  • Develop, test and disseminate easy screening tools
  • Create a clear and operational definition of vulnerability/frailty applicable to oncology
  • Increase the relevance of clinical trials for older patients
  • Improve research in the field of geriatric oncology
  • Promote multidisciplinary, basic/translational research in the interface of aging and cancer
Course Syllabus

Click HERE to view the syllabus

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