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SCAI Scientific Sessions 2022 - MCS Support: Practical Use of IABP - A Case-Based Review
Choosing the right mechanical circulatory support (MCS) device for the right patient can be challenging for clinicians. They must objectively balance the benefits and risks of each option. This session utilizes a patient-case-review approach and examines three challenging cases which require MCS. Incorporated into the discussions will be a summary of MCS options available and the role of intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) therapy as a treatment option for these patients.
Presentations in this Module:
Successful Complex High-Risk PCI
Giorgio A. Medranda, MD • MedStar Health
Mohammad M. Ansari, MD, FSCAI • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Practical Use of IABP - A Case-Based Review
Nichelle Megowan, MD • Harbor UCLA Medical Center Torrance, CA
This video is part three of three from the “MCS Support: Practical use of IABP, a case-based review” session at the SCAI Scientific Sessions 2022 Fellows Summit.
To watch part one of this session, click here.
To watch part two of this session, click here.
To watch part three of this session, click here.